Town of Lessor Weather

Tax Collection Times

Treasurer Lisa Clauss will be at the Lessor Town Hall W4055 Landstad Rd Bonduel, WI 54107 to collect taxes on:

Saturday, December 21st – 9am – 11am

Monday, December 30th – 5pm-7pm

Monday, January 27th – 5pm-7pm

*Weather permitting

If you have questions, please contact Lisa at 715-853-2183

Payable to : Town of Lessor

Checks can be mailed to:

Lisa Clauss – Treasurer

W2846 Hofa Park Rd

Pulaski, WI 54162

Please include the stub on the bottom of the tax bill. If you would like a receipt, you must enclose a stamped, self address envelope If you forget the return envelope, no receipt will be sent back. If you would like an emailed receipt, please include your email address.

First installment is due by January 2025 to Lisa Clauss

Second installment is due July 31, 2025 to Shawano Co – Treasurer, 311 N Main St, Shawano, WI 54166

Garbage and recycling pickup or questions call Harters 1-888-804-8556

Dog License: All dogs 5 months of age or older require a lilcense. Please make out a seperate check for your dog license. All dogs on our list must be accounted for by April 1, 2025. Statues require that I notify the DA office after the date. Fine and Court costs amount to approximately $130 for Unlicensed dogs.