Election Information


Election days in 2025:

February 18 Spring Primary

April 1 Spring Election

             In order to recieve an absentee ballot please complete the absentee application Click Here or at www.myvote.wi.gov and mail to:

Mark Heling

         W4220 Landstad Rd

Bonduel, WI 54107

or email to town.lessor@gmail.com

along with a copy of your photo ID and a ballot will be sent to you as long as you are a registered voter. The last day to request an absentee ballot by mail is the Thursday prior to election day. 

If you need to register to vote (you can check to see on www.myvote.wi.gov) you can print the Registration form from this website Click Here or the myvote website and mail or e-mail with copy of photo ID and proof of residence to addresses above.  

If you would like to register to vote and/or vote in person please contact Mark Heling, Clerk, to schedule an appointment at (715) 280-1005.  In person voting begins approximately two weeks prior to the election date, by appointment only.  Last day to register in person at the clerks' office is the Friday prior to the election at 5 pm.  Last day to absentee/early vote is the Friday prior to the election.

Photo ID Law is effect for election!

Polling Location: Lessor Town Hall;

W4055 Landstad Road, Bonduel

Poll Hours 7:00 am - 8:00 pm

You may register to vote at the polls on election day.  You must provide your drivers license number and proof of residency.

For more information regarding elections please visit the Government Accountability Website at www.elections.wi.gov


Visit www.myvote.wi.gov


Contact your local clerk, Mark Heling at 715-280-1005 or town.lessor@gmail.com